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Improve Your Forecast Accuracy Through Collaboration

Adopting best practices and developing comprehensive stocking strategies based on your company’s historical usage data will go a long way towards having a realistic forecast. But if it’s based on your data alone, how well will it represent the broader supply chain your firm operates in?

If you’re looking to further enhance your company’s forecasting and replenishment capabilities and improve the interactions across your overall supply chain, you need to get the full picture.

Demand Planning’s Collaborative Forecasting feature is built for this task.

By integrating data provided by external and internal links in your supply chain with your purchasing department’s own statistically-driven plans and forecasts, you’ll have a holistic view of what to anticipate from all parts of the supply chain.

Having such a full, complete picture means you can adopt a supply chain strategy to:

  • Drive replenishment accuracy
  • Reduce stockouts and overstocks
  • Better align production planning to meet customer needs
  • Increase customer service levels and revenue

Demand Planning enables collaborative planning with your:



Import customer-provided forecasts to make them part of your overall forecast. Or, if your customer doesn’t provide forecasts, allow Demand Planning to create a forecast specifically for a customer, export it to Excel, and share it with them for their input.

Either way you’ll be able to see how your customer’s collaborative forecast compares to Demand Planning’s forecast, and make adjustments accordingly.

Vendors and/or Manufacturers

Create a collaborative forecast showing your anticipated demand over the coming months, which can be shared with your suppliers. Having this in hand allows your vendors and manufacturers to plan and schedule accordingly.

Sales Team

Communicate more efficiently with your sales team. Create a forecast specifically for your them, which can be exported to Excel, and shared for their input.

Other Internal Members

Create a projected forecast and export it to Excel, so it can be shared with internal team members in logistics and/or supply chain areas, so they can plan staffing and operations accordingly.

5 Benefits of Customer Collaborative Forecasting

Create as accurate a forecast as possible, and set your company apart from others.


Discover the Benefits of Collaborative Forecasting: